The State of the Nation; borrowing chips from dishwashers

Last week, the President of the European Commission, Urusla von der Lyen delivered the State of the Union’s speech, in a plenary held in Strasbourg. Ukraine’s first lady Ms. Olena Zelenska was also invited as a guest of honour for the occasion. Unsurprisingly, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine dominated most of the political discourse. At the opening […]

The concept of limit

By the time of the publication of this opinion piece, the State of the Union speech would have been delivered by the President of the European Commission. Undoubtedly, I am tempted to guess what the subject of the speech would entail. However, I will limit myself to briefly outline what happened since Russia’s invasion of […]

Beyond economic theory in Ħamrun

Notwithstanding that economics is a normative theory, I always observed that anthropology is closely associated to it, and certainly economic theory shapes people’s behaviour, lives, livelihoods, as well as their culture. Indeed, last week’s article was not meant to outline the cultural differences that exist or rather coexist in the town of Ħamrun. However, the […]

Neoliberalism in Ħamrun

Rudimentary lectures of economic theory introduce pupils to autocratic economic models compared to the capitalist system. Those fortunate enough would later learn about Friedrich Von Hayek and John Maynard Keynes, with the former arguing that any intervention by the state would stifle the market economy with the latter counterarguing that market failures must be corrected […]

Guterres’s ‘chilling’ reference

When Russia invaded Ukraine, a sequence of packages of sanctions on the former was announced on a biweekly basis by the European Commission. Back then, I was criticising the approach and clearly outlined that this was a recipe for disaster from a diplomatic and economic point of view. Clearly, my economic intuition came from the […]

Treating China differently

Avid followers of international politics surely did not miss the ensuing escalation and the hostilities in the Indo-Pacific, after the visit of the US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan. When Pelosi landed in Taipei an article was published citing the reasons of her visit. Unsurprisingly, the trip sparked tensions in the region […]

Avoiding a reverse currency war

When the mobilisation of the Russian troops along the Eastern Ukrainian borders, commenced, I was about to return to Malta from Brussels. Two close but unrelated friends were encouraging me to open a page on social media to inform the public, as I was uploading pieces of information in the run-up of the escalation that […]