Ursula’s passerelle clauses

The past four weeks were dedicated to security, defence as well as diplomacy. It was not my intention to prolong my narrative about the subject. However, I felt morally and politically obliged to inform the public with the correct technical information when it comes to security and defence. In the end the public is sovereign […]

Il-Lingwa Maltija

Ftit tal-ġimgħat ilu kont fuq il-programm Xtra mal-ġurnalist abbli Saviour Balzan, fejn ikkritikajt id-deċiżjoni li l-Parlament Ewropew ħa dwar l-użu tal-lingwa Maltija, fil-kumitati ‘l bogħod minn dak li suppost se jkun ipprovdut fil-Plenarja. Infatti, m’hemmx garanzija li fil-kumitati l-użu tal-lingwa Maltija hi granatita. Ir-riżoluzzjoni li l-Malti ma jintużax u li mhux se jkun hemm garanzija […]

Is-Sussidji tad-dawl u l-ilma tagħna dejquha

If I had any doubt that the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen is a crook, this story confirms and reinforces my opinion of her. The President of the European Commission handpicked German MEP Markus Piper, who comes from the same CDU party, and appointed him as special adviser for small and […]