Ursula’s passerelle clauses

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The past four weeks were dedicated to security, defence as well as diplomacy. It was not my intention to prolong my narrative about the subject. However, I felt morally and politically obliged to inform the public with the correct technical information when it comes to security and defence. In the end the public is sovereign to decide about the candidates that will be running for the MEP elections. Certainly, the electorate has every right to know the candidates and their views on different topics, as well as their traits when it comes to EU policy and expertise.   

Next week is quite an important week for my campaign. During the past months I have knocked on different doors and roamed different towns and villages to encounter different people. The past year was crucial to understand the electorate and their call to address certain issues that are impinging on their quality of life. Certainly, politicians are here to make a difference in people’s lives. Making a difference means that what is wrong is spelled out and what is right is nurtured to use it in favour of the public. The individual interests of the few must not prevail.  As a European, who grew up in one of the most deprived areas in the 80s and 90s, I can clearly associate with most of the people’s stories. Their stories take me back to my childhood. True, it was a difficult childhood. However, my childhood was never devoid of love and care. My socialist values are inspired from my family’s catholic teachings. They were quite religious. However, the catholic church teachings were in my view socialist principles. They taught us to care for the environment, for the less fortunate, for the abandoned animals and to give more in life rather than to take.

The reason why I will be pledging to work on different themes, if the electorate decides to give me the privilege to serve the country, is to possibly make a difference in people’s lives from the European Parliament. Some people might say that I have spent enough time in Brussels, and what I had to achieve was partly accomplished. True,  one of my greatest accomplishments was to make sure that we do not pay for military and lethal equipment. However, this time it is different. The electorate must choose smartly. They have to evaluate each and every candidate and read between the lines of what politicians are up to within different parties. It is not an easy skill. However,  people are intelligent enough to make this analysis. I realised this trait during the past year. People are quite direct and explicit in expressing their belief or disbelief in the statements made by politicians.

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